“I could never have dreamed of what the program has meant for my work. I released my poetry book! And I am now working on how I can expand that further with cards and a web shop.”

- Julia Mulder | Poet

“Ik kon zo diep naar binnen gaan om te voelen waar ik mezelf tegenhield om mezelf helemaal volledig te laten zien en uiten als zangeres en kunstenares.”

Myrthe Glasbergen | Owner Beyond Psychology, Singer & Artist

I now dare to give stage to the artist in me. This is visible in my branding which has taken on a more artistic and bold look. And also in the way I work as a healer, coach and trainer. In which I also show myself through singing, dancing and bodywork now.”

- Mariette Ruggenberg | owner Make Love Work, De Upstarter and Artist

“The program has surprised me in so many ways in a very special way.” It has a very beautiful structure and yet it gives so much space to discover what is really happening in yourself. In addition, it feels very safe to fully name that in the group. In a very loving way I feel guided by Soraya where she really walks next to me, listens and asks questions at the right time to let you look even deeper into what is happening. She is constantly there at an appropriate distance. She flawlessly tunes in to your needs as a person. It is almost impossible to really indicate what this program brings me. But when I look at the title, that is certainly what I dare to do in this group. Expressing myself completely freely. And I'm getting braver about it outwardly as well. And on the other hand also more careful, not because I don't want to express myself, but I better recognize where it's really safe to do it. I am slowly but surely discovering my own tribe. And it feels like extreme freedom that I can choose who I want.” - Vi Arnoli | Intuitive painter & owner More Website.

“I can look more honestly at myself and everything that goes on inside me. All voices, judgments, blocks and energy. And I don't judge anymore, but invite it to come to the surface and make art out of it.”

Nicky | Breathwork facilitator & coach