From playing hide & seek

to fully expressing yourself

Express freely all that lives inside of you

A woman that fully expresses herself is a woman who dances like no one is watching, sings like the birds sing (no matter what her voice sounds like) and has fully come home to herself.

She doesn’t give a shit to what other people think of her clothes, what turns her on or how she lives her life.

She speaks her truth. 

She creates the things in her business or in her creative work that leaves nothing hidden or unsaid. She channels her creative brilliance out into the world and doesn't pull back cause it’s edgy.

SHE IS THE EDGE. Her own radiating muse.

I know SHE is you.

tap into everything that longs to be poured out of you

That you long for more expression, creation and turned-on living. I also know that the work it requires is mostly done in the daily grind of life. That it needs integration and support of other women on the same but unique journey you are on.

Cause you might be on a roll creating art that inspires you but suddenly you feel blocked in taking it deeper, cause you hear the opinion of others in your head.

Or your sexual self-care practice was on fleek, but life happened and now you feel uninspired to get back to it.

Or you just had a very difficult conversation, where you didn’t say what needed to be said and now your throat feels blocked for days.

I got you babe. I want you to feel as supported, inspired and as lit up as you can be. So this is what you are going to receive in the muse on a monthly basis:

  • Somatic embodiment & creative practices to unleash your creative life force and express your whole being in your life & creations. These are fully tailored to where you are in your menstrual cycle so you can honour your feminine essence.

  • A real tribe. Women who are on the same journey as you are, to have accountability, celebrate and share with.

  • Guidance & support from me. I will be your cheerleader, your healer and your energy light house.

“Just in one workshop I feel a deeper connection to my womb, pussy and my voice is more powerful. Also, I feel lighter.”

- Danielle | woman 

“I have a very chill relationship with parts that I used to reject of myself now.”

- Maaike | Filmmaker & artist

“ Since working with Soraya and doing the womb work, I experience a crystal clear guidance telling me where to go in life.”

-Liona  | Healer


Are these your desires?

  • You long for a life where you can fully express yourself in your art, business and relationships, without swallowing your opinion, or keeping parts of yourself small because of shame.

  • You want to liberate your voice & speak your whole damn truth.

  • You desire a place where you are seen for all you have to offer and get the space and encouragement to be creative, wild, liberated and explore new sides of yourself.

  • You want to share your gifts: write that book, release the music, paint that masterpiece or fully go for that business around your soul expression. Cause it lights you all the way up, but you are holding yourself back for far too long now.

  • You desire to connect deeper to your pleasure, turn-on & have a deep connection with your feminine body and soul. But there is so much out there and you don’t know how to deepen that journey. You look for a safe space that feels good in your body.

  • You long for belonging. The right kind of people who just get you so you co-create unique lives together.

Do I hear a big yes?
Come join The Muse.

A membership where monthly you receive tools & activations you need to fully express yourself, share your unique gifts and be your most turned-on self.

You will get guidance on aligning to your highest-self, create and implement but also the tools to recharge, express and heal your show-stoppers.

June will be all about the voice of your heart

“Since working with you I feel so much more landed in my womanhood, and that I can be realy powerful from that place”

— Mandy | Healer and Poet

Your investment:


€44,- per month

Monthly activation to be the most powerful woman & creator in the room.

*Cancel membership anytime you want.

Every month you receive:

  • Online creative liberation session (1,5 hours) with Soraya

  • Creative & sensual embodiment practices to become your own unstoppable muse.

  • A voice liberation practice to fully let your voice be heard.

  • Always acces to previous sessions up to 3-months back.

  • Community on Facebook

  • Exclusive 10% discounts on all other programs, concerts, retreats and sessions from Untame & Soraya.

    NOW €44,- per month

    ex btw/vat

The Muse
to a full year personal coaching & healing from Soraya.


+ The Circle

You receive:

+ A whole year exclusive community: you get acces to a Whats-app group with weekly coaching & activation from Soraya.

+ Every 3 months an online personal soul reading & healing.

+ A live PLAY DAY in the Netherlands hosted by Soraya. A day to dive deep into creation, art, business and JOY.

All the things in the Muse Membership:

  • Online creative liberation session (1,5 hours) with Soraya

  • Creative & embodiment practices to become your own unstoppable muse.

  • A voice liberation practice to fully let your voice be heard.

  • Always acces to previous sessions up to 3-months back.

  • Community on Facebook

  • Exclusive 10% discounts on all other programs, concerts, retreats and sessions from Untame & Soraya.

    333,- per month.
    (12 month long commitment).

    ex btw/vat

I released my

poetry book!

“I could never have dreamed of what the program has meant for my work. I am now working on how I can expand that further with cards and a web shop.”

- Julia Mulder | Poet

Soraya flawlessly tunes in to your needs as an individual person.

- Vi Arnoli | Intuitive painter & owner More Website.

I show my

artistic side in

my work as a

healer and coach now.

This is visible in my branding which has taken on a more artistic and bold look. And also in the way I work as a healer, coach and trainer. In which I also show myself through singing, dancing and bodywork now.”

- Mariette Ruggenberg | owner Make Love Work, De Upstarter and Artist

I don't judge anymore, I invite my feelings to come to the surface and make art out of it.”

Nicky | Breathwork facilitator & coach

“I had the space to dig deep inside to feel where I was holding myself back from fully showing and expressing myself as a singer and artist.”

Myrthe Glasbergen | Owner Beyond Psychology, Singer & Artist

Soraya showed me where I felt ashamed and what steps to take to fully express myself further. In one session I was back in my power. She is so powerful.

Sara | Healer

Let’s get super turned on

& inspired As fuck. 

Liberate. Create. Make love to it. Repeat.
This is what you need:

  • JOY

    Tap into the bliss of fully expressing yourself, and keep nothing of yourself small or hidden.


    Connect deeply to your feminine power and the unique expression of your life force. By doing womb work & sexual liberation practices.

  • Voice Liberation

    Experience how your voice is an entry way to deepen the intimicy with your soul, art and self.

  • Allignment

    To your soul’s blueprint and highest exitement

  • Healing

    Through creating art & receiving powerful healing work like systemic constellation & akeshic record healing.

  • Working with healthy feminine & masculine energies

    In your life, art, relationships and business so ALL of you thrives.

Freely expressing yourself

is the greatest gift to the world

Here’s a taste of what to expect:

Please note this is not the outline of the membership. This is to give you an idea of what depths we will touch together.

Soraya will tune in every month to the collective themes and align the session to the group, the collective and your personal desires. So every month you receive exactly what you need.

Topics to uncover:

Boundary work:
Stronger boundaries = stronger everything.

Tapping into healthy feminine and masculine energy for deeper personal power

Turn your anger into your creative muse

Speaking your truth in your creative work, life & bizz

Pussy and womb magic to unfuck your creative channel

Fully expressing yourself on Social Media

Create in alignment with your unique feminine cycle

How your ‘shadow’ sides can be your biggest clowns: create comedy from your darkness.

Liberating your wombpower for maximum creativity

Deepening the relationship with your spirit channel

Liberating your voice through singing

Pussy as your muse

Aligning to the soul of your business

Meet Soraya, The muse behind the muse.

My expertise? Energywork. Liberating creative and sexual life force. Core healing. Expressing myself fully in my art, helping you do the same. Guiding you to your soul’s answers and feminine power through flow and surrender.

What I offer was never meant to be put into a single word.

I was 11 when I sang in an official Opera and from 13 till 19 I did Theatre School. At 25 I started a very successful photography business, At 27 I began to write my own songs and learned how to liberate my voice. Currently I am writing my second music album. Here’s my first.

I come from a very dysfunctional upbringing with narcissistic and sexual abuse, to name a few of the distructive dynamics in my childhood. My upbringing gave me no other choice than to heal and get a very solid understanding through education and embodiment on sexual healing, systemic constellation, voice liberation and energy work. And I am also a psychology nerd.

I helped over 600 women in the last 6 years to be more liberated, tap into their feminine power and express their voice and soul gifts.

I’ve always been pretty psychic and deeply feeling. For those interested: I’m a 5/1 Self-projecting Projector, a Scorpio with Aries rising and my moon in Gemini.

Liberating myself, and others through art & healing is my life’s art-work.

Join now for the month of May and receive the Founding Member price.

Be your own unstoppable
muse in 3….2…..1….

This is how we do it together:

A monthly creative activation

& healing session with Soraya Amber

These are deep activations and liberations to be the most abundant creator you can be.
Healing what’s stopping you & and activating your turn on. So you are unstoppable in what you come here to create.

Voice liberation, somatic and sensual embodiment

practices to get your juices flowing.

Sex = creation and creation = sex. The more your sexual energy flows, the more creativity flows.

These practices connect you to your spirit, bring you deeper into your body and help you freely express what wants to be expressed. These exercises are your doorway to soul-allignment creativity, relationship and bizz.

Online community & co-creation

2024 is the year of women rising collectively.

The lone wolf era is over. We join on Facebook for community and inspiration. Bring in your questions and longings to co-create with Soraya and other members. You never walk alone, again.


  • If you set aside 30 to 60 minutes per week your life will change. I know you are busy and I am not going to overwhelm you with a lot to do. You receive the right amount of inspiration and activation to be turned on & go create your magical shit. The content will be personalised to where you are in your menstrual cycle and everything is deigned to take you deeper into your own knowledge and power.

  • Yes woman. You will receive an invoice with tax.

  • This April.

What’s the one big powerful thing that healers, guides, poets and artists all have in common?

The Disney movie Soul portrays it spot on. It’s their ability to be tapped into the great collective mind by being in “the zone”.

By being deeply emerged in your passions, you automatically connect to your soul’s guidance. And that is palpable for everyone.

It’s magic. It’s creative flow.

And here’s a little bubble I am going to burst for you now. Lovingly. Thank me later.

Creative flow is not an exception that happens every once in a while - if you are lucky. It’s not only happening when you do great. Feel great. Make a masterpiece or vibe high.

Creative flow is your core frequency

You are never not creating. You are a 24/7 walking masterpiece happening. No exceptions made. Not even for you. (I’m sorry if you thought you where special here).

The MUSE Membership is the place to help you tap into that truth. Deeper than ever before.

It’s your highway to kick out every belief, every little-old-cute-annoying-habit that’s in the way of you not allowing to feel and see the creative magic you are.

It’s the place where we fully tap into our highest exitement and joy
to be abundantly a thriving creative channel.