Reclaim the innate wisdom of your body by landing deeper in your womb.

Your womb is your portal to your full feminine expression

Your womb is the connection to your femininity and soul. She is the portal to healing and knowing yourself in your deepest desires & wisest ways.

Most of us still experience Patriarchal conditioning and unwanted life experiences that have disconnected us from this power source that is our womb.

Your feminine voice (aka bad-ass intuition and clear knowing) resides beyond your mind, in your womb.

Come unlock the deep wisdom in your womb & restore her natural power.

This healing is for you if…

  • If you want to feel deeper connection to your body and wombs wisdom

  • Heal patters of lack of self-worth and lack belief in yourself.

Hi, I'm Soraya

Hi, I'm Soraya

Psychic healer, voice liberator and medicine music artist. I’m super passionate about helpen women give radical free expression to their soul, art, voice and business.

I love connecting you deeper to the power you hold in your womb space.

500+ women have enjoyed this healing before you, join them