What is womb healing and why do you need it?

Womb healing is a holistic practice to support the physical and emotional health of your womb and reproductive system. The womb holds emotional, energetic, and spiritual imprints. The imbalance between feminine and masculine energy is often found in your womb space. You also find residue from past relationships, current lovers, sexual trauma and wounds related to womanhood and creativity in your womb.

Womb healing liberates that which keeps you from living your fullest expression. And, what you want to birth into the world next.

The Essence of Womb Healing

I used to be cut off from my womb space. This is due to so many societal and generational imprints. In my case having an abortion and healing from that traumatic experience brought me to understand the depth of womb healing. For me it's the place that connected me to my most spiritual ways, and most human ways too.

Connecting with and healing your womb space, an often-neglected aspect of self that holds immense power. But why focus on this part of your body, and what are the benefits? Let's dive deeper in.

Understanding womb healing

At its core, Womb Healing is about acknowledging and nurturing the healthy feminine energy within you. Your womb space or your sacral chakra - whether or not you've given birth or have your physical womb still present in your body - is a potent reservoir of creative energy, intuition, and emotions.

It's not just a physical organ; it's a sacred space deeply intertwined with your sense of self. It's your connection to your sexual and creative life force.

The Purpose of clearing womb trauma

Womb Healing has a twofold purpose. First, it's about acknowledging and releasing any emotional, physical, or energetic blockages that may reside in your womb space. These blockages can stem from past traumas, societal conditioning, or even generations of family history. By addressing and releasing them, you can free up energy for more creativity and self-expression.

Second, Womb Healing is a pathway to connect with your intuition and feminine wisdom.

Places where womb healing can help your healing journey

  • Sexual abuse or sexual unsafely imprints from childhood or adulthood

  • Violated boundaries.

  • Abortion, miscarriage, and/or still birth

  • Letting go of past lovers

  • Challenges with fertility 

  • Shame around the womb, menstrual cycle and sexuality 

  • Difficult or traumatic experiences from giving birth 

  • Difficult or traumatic experiences from your own birth 

  • Religious or patriarchal programming around being a woman, your body and sexuality 

  • Your own experiences in the womb of your mother 

  • Early memories of adoption 

  • Your relationship to the mother line 

  • Your relationship to the father line

  • One’s relationship to receiving, self- worth, and relationship to the feminine 

The benefits of womb healing

  1. Enhanced Creativity: As you clear blockages and connect with your creative energy, your ideas start to flow more effortlessly.

  2. Emotional Release: Releasing stored emotions and healing your ancestral lineage can lead to reduced stress and anxiety.

  3. Radical free self-expression: Womb healing can restore your natural balance between masculine and feminine energy. Enabling you to share your truth and creativity with the world.

  4. eImproved relationship with your children: Often in womb healings I help women release ties and energetic bonds that keep them tied to their children in an unbalanced way.

  5. A deeper ability to receive: often leading to earning more money and relaxation. In my 3-week womb healing course Receive we dive deeper into this topic.

  6. Improved Intuition: Trusting your gut becomes second nature as you strengthen your connection to your inner wisdom.

  7. Enhanced Relationships: Womb Healing can lead to healthier relationships by helping you release past emotional baggage. It can enhance the polarity energy you have with your partner and life.

  8. Increased Self-Confidence: When you're in tune with your true self, confidence radiates naturally.

  9. Sexual healing: Sexual trauma often leaves deep emotional and energetic imprints in a person's body, including the womb space. Womb healing techniques can help release trapped emotions, allowing individuals to process and let go of the trauma's energetic residue. So your creative sexual energy can roam free and help you manifest your dreams.

  10. Improved relationship to the masculine: You will trust men more, leading to improved relationships and ability to call in deeper love.

  11. Living free from shame.

  12. Connect to your natural cycle: your womb ebs and flows with the moon cycles and has unique hormonal and energetic levels in different stages of your menstrual cycle. Womb healing can help increase your fertility and connection to your reproductive organs. It can also help you engage deeper levels of your menstrual cycle and her unique medicine in each stage.

  13. Remembrance that you and your voice matter: You will increase your ability to speak up and set boundaries 

Want to become more connected to your womb?

Book a 1:1 liberation session with me or join Call of the Womb.


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